Docs How to integrate

How to integrate with Mantle

Mantle relies on connected platform APIs and its own API for bi-directional data synchronization between your app, those connected platforms and Mantle.

Mantle’s App API allows you to fetch data, perform actions from your app’s backend and update Mantle, which can proxy those actions to various platforms such as Shopify or Stripe.

The functionality currently offered to enable customer-related operations through the Mantle API include:

  • Retrieving customer information.
  • Subscribing a customer to a new plan, or cancelling an active subscription.
  • Logging usage events to track feature adoption or to create usage charges.

Mantle offers an adaptable integration process. It allows you to decide whether you want to use its complete functionality or just specific features tailored to your needs.

Mantle provides two different APIs:

  • App API

The Mantle App API is designed to facilitate the integration of Mantle’s subscription management and billing capabilities into your application. It provides a set of endpoints to identify your users, manage billing and send behavioral data to Mantle using usage events.

  • Core API   Coming soon

The Mantle Core API will allow you to access Mantle data and develop custom integrations with Mantle. It will provide a set of APIs to access and manage your Mantle account data such as customers and plans.

A full implementation can be found in our example app.