May 17, 2024

Mantle Expands with Acquisition of App Store Analytics and Shopify App Store Index

By Jordan Graham

We are thrilled to announce that Mantle has recently acquired two exceptional products, App Store Analytics (ASA) and Shopify App Store Index (SASI), from Union Works.

This acquisition represents a significant milestone for us, and we couldn’t be more excited about the future. Both ASA and SASI have established themselves as indispensable products for Shopify App Partners, providing valuable insights and analytics to help businesses thrive in the competitive app market.

Why This Acquisition Matters

At Mantle, our mission is to empower our customers with the best products and resources to succeed. ASA and SASI perfectly align with this goal, offering comprehensive analytics and index features that help app developers and partners understand their performance, identify opportunities, and make data-driven decisions.

App Store Analytics (ASA) provides insights into how changes to your app store listing can improve your app’s performance. Whether it’s updating your app’s title, description, screenshots, or keywords, ASA helps you understand the impact of these changes on your app’s visibility and user engagement. By analyzing data on user interactions and conversions, you can make informed decisions to optimize your app store presence and attract more users.

In addition, Shopify App Store Index (SASI) offers products for tracking the ranking of your app in various categories and based on search keywords. Understanding your app’s position within the marketplace is crucial for developing strategies to improve its discoverability. SASI tracks how your app ranks against competitors and how listing changes impact your ranking and visibility.

The Value of Historical Data

One of the unique strengths of ASA and SASI is their ability to act as a sort of “wayback machine” for app listing changes and ranking history. This historical perspective is invaluable for shaping a comprehensive understanding of what affects your app’s performance on the Shopify App Store.

With ASA, you can review the history of your app store listing changes and see how each alteration impacted user engagement and conversions. This allows you to identify which strategies were most effective and why, enabling you to make more informed decisions in the future.

Similarly, SASI provides a detailed record of your app’s ranking history across different categories and search keywords. By analyzing this historical data, you can understand long-term trends and patterns in your app’s performance, as well as the effects of external factors like market changes or competitor activities.

By integrating ASA and SASI with our existing offerings, Mantle will be able to connect app store listing performance data with rich engagement and revenue metrics, providing a more comprehensive view of your app’s success. This holistic approach enables you to see how user engagement and revenue are affected by changes in your app store listing, allowing for more strategic decision-making and optimization.

Our Vision

We have a big vision for what this acquisition will enable. We have plenty of exciting updates in store to enhance these products, making them even more valuable for our users. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Daniel Sim, the original founder of ASA, and the entire Union Works team for their incredible work in developing these products. Their dedication has been instrumental in building products that are highly valued by Shopify App Partners around the world.

What’s Next

For the immediate future, it’s business as usual. Users of ASA and SASI can expect continued and uninterrupted access to these products. We understand the importance of these products to your operations, and we are committed to maintaining their reliability and performance.

As we move forward, we will be communicating with users about any planned updates or changes. Our goal is to ensure that these transitions are seamless and that any new features we introduce add real value to your experience.

We are excited about the future and believe that the integration of ASA and SASI with Mantle’s offerings will bring even more benefits to our users. Our team is dedicated to continuously improving our products and providing you with the best products to achieve your goals.

Thank you for your continued support and trust in Mantle. We look forward to embarking on this new journey with you and are excited about the possibilities ahead.

Stay tuned for more updates!

The Mantle Team

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