Docs How to integrate Generate Mantle credentials

Generate Mantle credentials

Here’s how to generate a Mantle API key for your app:

  1. Navigate to the left sidebar and select your app.
  2. Click on Settings:
App settings
  1. Locate the API keys section and click Add:
App settings - API key
  1. Provide a name for your API key and click Create:
Create API key

Make sure to record these details, as they are required in your .env file or as environment variables on your web server for a production app.

Add Mantle to your app

In your .env file (for local development) or in the environment variables for your project, you’ll need to add the following variables:


MANTLE_APP_API_KEY should be kept secret, so do not commit this value into source control, and do not expose it in the frontend of your application. This API key should only be used in your app’s backend web service, specifically when identifying your customer to Mantle using the /identify endpoint.