Docs Surfacing Mantle data useMantle() hook

useMantle() hook

The useMantle() hook allows you to access properties and actions which are surfaced by the MantleProvider’s context, and can be accessed by calling useMantle() from within a functional React component, like so:

 * @typedef TMantleContext
 * @property {Customer} customer - The current customer
 * @property {Subscription} subscription - The current subscription
 * @property {Array.<Plan>} plans - The available plans
 * @property {boolean} loading - Whether the current customer is loading
 * @property {RefetchCallback} refetch - Refetch the current customer
 * @property {SendUsageEventCallback} sendUsageEvent - Send a new usage event to Mantle
 * @property {GetUsageReportCallback} getUsageReport - Get a usage report
 * @property {SubscribeCallback} subscribe - Subscribe to a new plan
 * @property {CancelSubscriptionCallback} cancelSubscription - Cancel the subscription
 * @property {FeatureEnabledCallback} isFeatureEnabled - Check if a feature is enabled
 * @property {FeatureLimitCallback} limitForFeature - Get the limit for a feature
const mantle = useMantle();

// Access the current customer
const { customer } = mantle;

// Access available plans
const { plans } = mantle;

// Subscribe to a new plan and present charge screen
const newSubscription = await mantle.subscribe({ planId: 'plan-id', discountId: 'discount-id', returnUrl: 'settings' });, '_top');

Check out the @heymantle/react project to learn more.