Docs Flows What's in a Flow

What's in a Flow

Finished flow

A Flow consists of three key components:


Triggers initiate the flow, defining the “when” of your automation. Mantle Flows offers a wide range of pre-defined triggers, as well as the ability to use custom events.

Example: “When a customer installs my app…”

Some examples of available triggers are:

Event TypeTriggersAvailability
App events• Customer installs, uninstalls, or reinstalls app
• App deactivation or reactivation
• Subscription approaching or updating capped limit
• Usage charge exceeds limit
• Customer reviews app
Ready to use
Subscription events• Subscription creation, cancellation, or refund
• Subscription upgrades or downgrades
• Subscription freezing or unfreezing
• One-time charge activation
Ready to use
Usage eventsYou can also trigger flows based on any custom event you track in your app. This allows for unlimited flexibility in responding to user actions specific to your business.Requires customer identification and usage events setup

Conditions (optional)

These add specificity to your triggers. They help you narrow down when the flow should run. Example: “…and they have a tag of ‘New customer’…”

Some examples of available conditions are:

Condition TypeExamplesAvailability
Customer attributes• Customer abandoned charge
• Customer country
• Customer has left a review
• Customer industry
• Customer tags
Ready to use
Customer metrics• Customer last 30-day revenue
• Customer lifetime value
• Customer monthly spend
Ready to use
Customer engagement• Customer review rating
• Customer Shopify plan
Review rating: Ready to use
Shopify plan: Requires customer identification


These are the tasks your flow performs. They define what happens when the trigger (and conditions, if any) are met. Examples of available actions include:

Action TypeDescriptionRequirements
Send an emailSend an email to the customerRequires Mantle Email setup
Send Slack notificationSend a notification to a Slack channelRequires Slack integration setup
Populate custom fieldPopulate a customer’s custom field with a valueRequires custom fields setup
Tag customerEnter tag(s) to add to the customer. Can also be used to apply specific discountsReady to use. For discount application, see Discounts documentation
Add timeline commentAutomatically add a comment to the customer’s app timelineReady to use
Assign account ownerAssign an account owner to the customerReady to use

Together, these components create a complete automation: “When [Trigger] happens, if [Condition] is true, then do [Action].”

Next: Creating a flow